2024: Open Hearts and Fresh Starts

Let go of the past and welcome the new things God is doing
Hello friends,
A few weeks into 2024, I find myself reflecting on the goals, challenges, and dreams I'm taking into this new year. It seems so appropriate that scriptures like Isaiah 43:18-19 and Romans 12:2 fuel our hearts and minds, encouraging us to embrace new beginnings and renew our minds with God's truth.
A few weeks ago, I shared a little of my passion for one of heaven's true rewards on earth - the Chick-fil-A ice cream cone. Seriously though, that ice cream just "hits different"! Isn't it amazing that, like an ice cream cone, a new year, with simply the flip of a calendar page, changes how we see the world around us (even if just for a moment, before reality snaps us back)? As we move deeper into 2024, let's hold onto the encouragement to let go of the past and welcome the new things God is doing. Let's allow our minds and hearts to be transformed by His word. Like my silly pondering and the joy I find in something as simple as an ice cream cone, let's find joy and strength in the new flavors of life God presents us this year.
My prayer for Pipeline Church is that this community will continue to support each other, embracing the challenges and the joys that come our way. Here's to a year of growth, transformation, and experiencing God's goodness in new and exciting ways.
Pastor Jeff
A few weeks into 2024, I find myself reflecting on the goals, challenges, and dreams I'm taking into this new year. It seems so appropriate that scriptures like Isaiah 43:18-19 and Romans 12:2 fuel our hearts and minds, encouraging us to embrace new beginnings and renew our minds with God's truth.
A few weeks ago, I shared a little of my passion for one of heaven's true rewards on earth - the Chick-fil-A ice cream cone. Seriously though, that ice cream just "hits different"! Isn't it amazing that, like an ice cream cone, a new year, with simply the flip of a calendar page, changes how we see the world around us (even if just for a moment, before reality snaps us back)? As we move deeper into 2024, let's hold onto the encouragement to let go of the past and welcome the new things God is doing. Let's allow our minds and hearts to be transformed by His word. Like my silly pondering and the joy I find in something as simple as an ice cream cone, let's find joy and strength in the new flavors of life God presents us this year.
My prayer for Pipeline Church is that this community will continue to support each other, embracing the challenges and the joys that come our way. Here's to a year of growth, transformation, and experiencing God's goodness in new and exciting ways.
Pastor Jeff
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