Event Details

March 22nd (Students 9:00AM-4:00PM, Parents join from lunch until 4:00PM)
March 23rd (Parent & Student Commitment during AM and PM services)
Location: Pipeline.Church
⏰ Check In and Breakfast will be served starting at 8:30 AM for students.
True Love Waits is an opportunity for students and parents to learn the truth of God’s design for life, love, and relationships. We were created by God and He has a timeless, perfect design for every part of our lives. 
This is not just a weekend to talk about sex and learn about abstinence. This is a weekend of learning about what TRUE LOVE is and looks like according to the one who created us with a perfect plan for every facet of our lives, through all generations.  

Through True Love Waits, students and parents will: 
  • Understand and embrace God’s truth about love, relationships and sex
  • Know God’s Compassion for all people
  • See and understand God’s forgiveness and grace
  • How we love & live in this world while living out God’s ultimate plan

How do we connect the dots between navigating relationships/dating as a teenager and a healthy marriage in our future? Past a list of “thou shalt nots,” True Love Waits shows us the truth of God’s perfect design for what has happened, what is currently happening, and what will happen in our lives. In a world full of mixed messages at our fingertips, it is important to look to the One who created us to understand what we were created to do and be.

Parent FAQs

What will my child be learning?
Your child will learn God’s truth about love, relationships and sexuality. Lessons and conversations will be guided by the Truth of scripture and will cover these topics:
  • True Love for God
  • True Love for Yourself
  • True Love for Your Family
  • True Love for Your Future
Is this a sex-ed course?
This is a course that educates students on God’s design and truth about love, sex, and relationships. Sexuality will be discussed, but in a way that is honoring and glorifying to God and his design for intimacy.
What is expected of parents?
Parents are asked to attend the end of the Saturday True Love Waits session as well as the Sunday church service on March 23rd for a commitment ceremony with their student.  It is ideal for both parents to attend, but if only one parent can attend that is ok.
We highly recommend that you purchase a ring or piece of jewelry to give to your child on the Sunday of True Love Waits as a token of your understanding and commitment to your future. You and your child can decide what that looks like, but it is highly recommended to have a wearable, physical item that you can exchange with your child.
What does my student need to bring?
Students may bring their bible if they’d like to. All other materials will be provided for them.
Will my child be uncomfortable?
Students will be placed in small groups that are led by trained adult facilitators. These are adults who have your student’s best interest in mind. Students will never be forced into situations or conversations that require them to go beyond their level of comfort. We know these are sensitive topics that can make students uncomfortable, so content will be presented in a way that honors the truth and your student’s personal boundaries. The goal of True Love Waits is to start life-giving conversations that enriches the lives of students, not an uncomfortable topic that brings shame and anxiety.
How can I support my child at home?
Talk early, talk often, and encourage honesty while understanding the need for grace for both you as a parent and for your child. Don’t freak out! True Love Waits involves parents with the purpose of equipping them with the tools they need to guide future conversations with their students for years to come.
Is food provided?
Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
I feel like my kid knows about this stuff, do they need to be there?
True Love Waits is not meant to be a replacement for the conversations that parents should be having about relationships. It is intended to supplement and fortify student’s understanding of the character of Christ and His perfect design for their lives. Additionally, kids are inundated with messaging about relationships and intimacy from social media, television shows, music, and peers. True Love Waits is designed to be an anchor of truth to help students rise above that mixed messaging and remain rooted in the truth of God’s plan for their lives.