- Jesus Foretold: Isaiah 53
- The Birth of Jesus: Matthew 1:18–25
- John the Baptist: Matthew 3:1—4:11
- Water to Wine & the Samaritan: John 2:1–11; John 4:1–26
- Jesus Rejected in his Hometown: Luke 4:14–30
- Jesus Calls his Disciples: Luke 5:1–11
- Sermon on the Mount: Luke 6:17–46
- Three Stories: Matthew 8:1–13
- Encounters With the Pharisees: Matthew:12:1–13; 22–45
- Parable of the Sower and the Seed: Matthew 13:1–43
- Jesus Calms the Storm: Mark 6:45–56
- Jesus Heals a Man, Woman and Girl: Mark 5:1–43
- Feeding of the 5000: John 6:1–14
- Peter Identifies the Christ: Luke 9:18–27; Luke 17:1–8
- Healing by Faith: Mark 9: 14–32
- Teachings and Parables: Matthew 17:24—18:20
- Teachings and Parables: Matthew 18:21—19:15
- The Rich Young Ruler: Mark 10:17–31
- Disciples Sent Out: Luke 10:1–24
- The Good Samaritan: Luke 10:25–37
- Jesus Teaches how to Pray: Luke 11:1–13
- Jesus Revives Lazarus: John 11:1–44
- Jesus Comes to Jerusalem: Matthew 21:1–27
- The Last Supper: John 13:1–17
- Comfort for the Disciples: John 14–15
- Jesus Arrested and Disowned: Matthew 26:36–75
- Jesus’ Trial: John 18:19—19:16
- Jesus Crucifixion and Death: John 19:17–42
- Jesus’ Resurrection and Appearances: John 20–21
- The Great Commission and Ascension: Matthew 28:16–20